Contact S.A.M.S.A.

S.A.M.S.A. contact area, directing you to us.
If would like to know more about our company or receive more information about our workings, contact S.A.M.S.A customer service.
You can use the form below or you can contact us at the phone number or e-mail address shown on this website.

Address and contact details Head Office

di Garbino Silvano & C. snc

Phone: +39 0432 75 09 14

Fax: +39 0432 93 76 22


Via E. Fermi 5
Zona Ind.le P.I.P.
33044 Manzano
Udine - ITALY


Fun fact

The biggest chair in Italy is a reproduction of the Marocca model, the chair with mythical origins from the Triangle of Chairs: it is simple, functional, widespread in Italy and abroad, it is a living example of the age-old artisan tradition of Friuli.